A coke a day does not ADD LIFE !

heart in pain following surgary drink A coke a day does not ADD LIFE !Quick list the things that increase your risk of heart disease !   heart disease spoon

Bet bad genes, smoking, boozing, not moving, being overweight and eating saturated fat i.e. meat, full cream milk, eggs etc made it onto the list. Did Coca Cola and other sugar sweetened beverages make it ?        

Probably not.  But it should !

It just takes one a day

Research published in the journal, Circulation, shows men who drink just one sugar loaded cold drink a day, increase their chances of heart disease by 20 %.

The researchers reached this staggering conclusion, after pouring through the stats of 42 883 men who are part of the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study.

The Health Professionals Follow-Up study is a study which has been running for over 20 years. It started in 1986, when men, mainly white, over the age of 40, working in health related professions were signed up.  The health behaviours of these guys has been scrutinized through a comprehensive questionnaire and  measuring of a host of heart health biomarkers every two years, since then.

Cold drinks are to blame

Heart disease is definitely multi-factorial, so finding things to blame is complicated.  Heart disease spoon

To hone in on the role cool drinks might be playing on heart disease risk, the researchers played with the numbers, so that the impact of the regular culprits was accounted for. 

In the end, they found sugar sweetened beverages were definitely a contributing factor. 

It was a sugar effect, since the guys who were sipping down artificially sweetened drinks didn’t register the same bad numbers.  

And the more the guys were sipping, the bigger the blow to the biomarkers.  Both triglyceride  and C-reactive protein levels were high and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) levels were lower, in the big drinkers. 

Coke does not ADD LIFE

These kinds of studies are only able to show patterns, they can’t really PROVE anything. 

But, the writing is on the wall – drinking sugary beverages is not adding quite as much life as we’re been led to believe – they’re also implicated in metabolic syndrome  and gout.  

Cut it down not out

The study highlighted that the problem is a quantity issue.  The guys in HEART TROUBLE were drinking a cold drink a day,  those who drank one or two a week were fine.

Add to your life, by enjoying an ice cold cool drink on special occasions, not every day.   

PS.  If you’re a cool drink junkie i.e. you feel there is no life, without a fizzy cool drink, opt for calorie free options.   They may not be perfect but at least you won’t have to run on a treadmill for 50 minutes to use up the calories.   

Sweetened Beverage Consumption, Incident Coronary Heart Disease and Biomarkers of Risk in Men. Circulation (2012)  Lawrence de Koning, Vasanti S. Malik, Mark D. Kellogg, Eric B. Rimm, Walter C. Willett, and Frank B. Hu.

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Further reading

hearts and christmas lights tn A coke a day does not ADD LIFE !  insulin blocking glucose from getting too heart tnn A coke a day does not ADD LIFE !  fat sippy cup drinking juice tn1 A coke a day does not ADD LIFE ! 
 Your lifestyle turns the lights off in your heart High insulin levels hammer your heart whether you’re thirteen or thirty   Juicing up is fattening up

The 7 Big Spoons™…. are master switches that turn health on.

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